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Launch of the PropTech StartUp Europe Awards 2018


Hasta el viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018 a las 23:59

Fundación Finnova

Fundación Finnova

Publicado el jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2018 a las 10:13

The PropTech StartUp Europe Awards are a new category within the framework of the StartUp Europe Awards (22 categories), promoted by the European Commission in collaboration with the Finnova Foundation, which presents a methodology of awards for new companies at local, regional and national level , fostering open innovation and collaboration between the different actors of European ecosystems, through the private-public partnership that supports new entrepreneurs.

The European Commission's PropTech StartUp Europe Awards are the first European initiative to give support and visibility to the most innovative startups in the real estate sector, followed by the launch of EU PropTech House on September 19, 2018.

OBJECTIVE: to expand cross-border collaborations, standardize European propTech markets, create a legal framework adapted to PropTech, encourage innovation in the real estate sector and facilitate access to finance.

The 2018 PropTech StartUp Europe Awards will consist of 5 subcategories: invest, market, construction design, manage and operate, Live & Work. Since there can only be one winner, all the winners of the subcategories will face each other to determine the final winner.

The 50 pre-selected startups (10 per category) will be invited to a live session on 20 and 21 February 2019 in Brussels, in the presence of the board members, the representative of the European Commissioner and all the members of the jury. The awards ceremony will be held in the second quarter of 2019 in the presence of representatives of the European Commission.

PRINTING CANDIDATURES: From September 17 to November 30, 2018



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