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Famigro Award

Presented by the Young Friends of the Countryside

Hasta el martes, 01 de marzo de 2022 a las 12:00

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Famigro award

Famigro award

Each year, the Famigro Prize rewards an innovative entrepreneurial project. Thanks to Mr Grotenfelt's initiative, each year the Young Friends of the Countryside (YFCS) can support a start-up project that responds to the current challenges of the rural sector.

Entrepreneurial projects contribute to the evolution of our rural landscape, while respect for the environment and social responsibility is endorsed by each rural entrepreneur. The aim of the Famigro Award is to increase the chances of success and growth of such valuable projects, enabling them to benefit from the support of the Friends and Young Friends of the Countryside network.

The project:
● Is already being implemented or has a solid business plan for the near future
● Has a long-term scope and aims at future developments
● The business plan shows the development of one or more activities aiming at generating financial funds ensuring the continuity of the private enterprise
● Aims at developing innovative solutions for the creation and conservation of local economic development and fostering business opportunities
● Is an example of good practice to other (rural) communities and is scalable and adaptable to different rural contexts


The winner will receive:

  • 5000 euros.
  • A diploma of recognition.
  • Exposure in our written and online channels.
  • Invitation to our General Assembly in Evora in June.

AIMED AT: If you are an entrepreneur between 18-40 years old, European or British.

APPLICATION DEADLINE:  until 1 MARCH at 12:00 noon sharp (CET).

Below are the terms and conditions of the call for applications.


Fuente original del contenido:

Premio Famigro  

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