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The Commission launches a new biotechnology and biofabrication centre to support innovative businesses


The Centre will help businesses identify the support available in the EU and how to access it, enabling them to expand and grow

Publicado por AdmonVlc
lunes, 03 de febrero de 2025 a las 09:39

The Commission has today launched a new Biotech and Biomanufacturing Hub to support companies – particularly start-ups and SMEs - in bringing innovative products to the EU market and increase their competitiveness. The Hub will also help companies identify the support available to them at EU level and how to access this support to help them to expand and grow.

The Biotech and Biomanufacturing Hub explains in an easy, accessible way and in all EU languages:

  • The sources of EU funding available to biotech and biomanufacturing companies;
  • The research infrastructures that can support biotech or biomanufacturing Research & Development;
  • The resources available to help biotech or biomanufacturing businesses to scale up, including networks, pilot and testing facilities and market insights;
  • The intellectual property protection that innovative companies are entitled to;
  • The processes for authorising new biotech products, such as human and veterinary medicines or feed and food ingredients, and the support offered to applicants throughout these processes;
  • The rules and requirements that companies must comply with when developing and marketing biotech products in the EU.

The Hub, hosted on the Commission's Your Europe portal, will serve as an operational tool for easy and accessible information on the relevant EU legislation, financing opportunities and business support networks, such as the Enterprise Europe Network and European Cluster Collaboration Platform.

The continuous development of the Hub will be supported through a dedicated taskforce of small and medium-sized enterprises advisors under the Enterprise Europe Network.

Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing innovative industries in the EU, which has the potential to revolutionise health, agriculture, food and feed and industry in Europe over the coming years. A thriving biotechnology and biomanufacturing sector will be key to building a more competitive, innovative and resilient EU, that succeeds in its green and digital transitions.

Fuente original del contenido:

European Commission  

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